Have I told you how much I am in love with this product? Now if I only I had a Cricut to really take advantage of it... (hmmmm Harmony or Tesha....???) I used the brown paper featured on the front , cut it to size, peel and stick and wham! Nothing else. No messy glue stick. No tape. Nothing. ( By the way the paper I got from Hobby Lobby 50% off! Originally 5.99 and got it for $3) The rest I cut by hand and wrote it today instead of typing it up. Oh! and the hearts are rub-ons- (that I got at a local super awesome dollar store) Nothing SUPER crafty by any means, but the Mister sure loves food. And what better way to say "I love you" than a big snickers candy bar?
(Did I mention that I only got another smiley face response? hmmmm this better not be in vain....)
Happy Crafting!
hehehe cute idea Leah, and is the first time that i hear about that product thanks for sharing :D
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